Monday, January 29, 2018

March 4 – Who Controls the Lottery

        Proverbs 16:33 – "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from Yahweh."

        This verse speaks of games of chance – gambling, to some extent, whether large or small, insignificant or otherwise. I suppose that we all gamble to some extent. For example, when one eats at a new restaurant, the quality of everything on the menu is unknown. We may have heard of the goodness thereof, but until we experience it, we take a not-so-risky gamble by paying for quality that might not materialize. So what if we lose $12 worth of quality taste? At least, we have had a
sustainable meal. Which means, we have gambled quite insignificantly.
        How about I spend money on something, the odds of which, are stacked against me? Like a national lottery? With millions of dollars at stake? This kind of gambling needs to be scrutinized by our hearts. The verse above states that God is in control of who wins the lottery. Let's not argue the fact that some lotteries actually provide money for charitable organizations. If God has given me resources by which to live, pay my bills, and give back to his kingdom, why would I just throw those resources to the wind? Perhaps, it is because I want "more", which means that I am not content with what I already have. The apostle Paul stated that he had learned to be in content in lack and in abundance (Philippians 4:12-13). Perhaps it is because I do not trust that God will provide for my needs. Jesus tells us just the opposite in Matthew 6:25-34. Perhaps my mind is okay with supporting a charitable lottery, while just playing the game. Whatever the reason, we should check our motives and strive to please God with how we spend our money.
       My motto is thus: "You gotta play to lose." If I never play, I never lose. I And that makes great sense to me. I have never lost at the lottery, because I have never played. Consider the wisdom of steady investment over time, versus a lottery ticket purchase. Proverbs 21:15 advises, "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty."

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