February 2 - Examining the
Acts 17:11- "Now
the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for
they received the message with great eagerness. They examined the
sacred writings every day to see if what Paul said was true."
Blind Willie
Johnson, a poor Christian blues-style acoustic guitartst, sang in
the 1920s, "Nobody's Fault But Mine". The first verse
I got a Bible in my home
I got a Bible in my home
If I don't read it, and my
soul's lost
It's nobody's fault but
Do you have a Bible
in your home? If not, I would suggest procuring one, and reading it,
especially the New Testament, as it explains the mysteries of the
"sacred writings" that Paul was explaining to the Bereans
in the Acts 17 passage above. They didn't just take his word at its
face value; they cross-referenced it with what they already knew from
the accepted writings of the Old Testament, the Jewish scriptures.
They were able then to mesh the two together in coherent
If you have a copy
of any faith's sacred writings, and don't take the time to read them,
seeking for the truth in this world, then it's nobody's fault but
your own, if you never find it. Further on in verse 27 of Acts 17,
we are told that "perhaps men would reach out for God and find
him...he is not far from each one of us." Deuteronomy 4:29 also gives
us a promise about finding God: "If....you seek Yahweh your
God, you will find him, if you look for him with all your heart and
with all your soul."
Let's not neglect
reading God's book when it is right in front of us.