February 12 – Love/Faith With Action
1 John 3:18 – "Dear children, let us love not with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth."
This verse is such a simple command; yet, it is one that is ignored with great frequency. Christians and pagans alike throw around the phrase "I love you" so often and as a matter of habit most of the time. What is signified from that phrase is mostly a sentiment of fondness. There is nothing wrong with being fond of one's family, spouse, children, or friends. However, being fond of someone simply means that I have a positive emotional tie to that person. Fondness has nothing to do with how I treat that person in deed If I am fond of someone, I will most likely consistently treat that person well and care for his/her well-being. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee that will happen. Emotional dependence can often come with selfish manipulation.
The verse above was written in the context of taking care of a brother's physical needs. John asks the question prior to this verse: "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need, but has no pity upon him, how can the love of God be in him?" James also iterates this thought in 2:15-17, "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, 'Go. I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,' , but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? Likewise, faith by itself, if not combined with action, is dead."
We have two examples, therefore , in which love and faith are both treated as actions. Mere words, no matter how well-meaning , are worthless – to God and to the benefit of the situation. Wait; what about praying for someone? Is this an act of love? Well, yes, because you are spending time on behalf of someone's benefit by drawing near to God. Am I loving that person directly? Not if that person doesn't know that I am praying for him. What if I send that person a text message, saying that I am praying for him? What if I never have any regular contact with that person in my daily life? Am I showing him love?
Am I also loving someone when I am not harming him, even though I have no contact whatsoever with that person? (Now the lines are getting blurry; or am I just nit-picking?) I would say that the absence of harm is not the same thing as love. That would simply be neutrality, because nothing is done for the benefit of the other person. Remember John's exhortation to us to love in action and truth.
John's entire first letter is based upon pleasing and knowing God, and displaying a life that has been changed and motivated by his love for us. Brotherly love is the supplemental outgrowth of that change in us. Brotherly love implies some type of contact with another person, if not purposeful relationship building. And that takes time, patience, and action – not merely the speaking of well-sounding phrases.