Tuesday, August 29, 2017

February 14 – Sexual Behavior Versus Feelings

        I Corinthians 6:9f – "Don't you know that wicked perons will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither sexually immoral persons, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, not male prostitutes, nor practicing homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were...."

        In 2017, the world is letting everyone know how they feel, every day, all day long. Facebook allows us to do so, ad nauseum. The general "moral values" of our culture have also changed quite dramatically over the last 20 – 60 years. Some things that were considered "sinful" by the culture sixty years ago, are acceptable today, even arrogantly flouted. The culture has changed because the "veneer of cultural Christianity" (as I call it) has worn off, and the culture is left with its blatant sinfulness uncovered. True believers, however, do not stand by the whims of the culture. They stand upon the solid rock of God's word, which does not change like shifting sand at every breaking wave.
How is one to act when inundated by the supposed balancing statement of "Love the sinner; hate the sin"? There is so much hullabaloo, even in the body of Christ, about loving everyone regardless of one's sexual orientation. Therein lies the crux: orientation versus godly behavior.
       When I was in Bible college in the 80s, I had a close friend, a roommate for one semester, who was sexually oriented toward the same sex. His outward mannerisms certainly pointed in that direction (stereotyping notwithstanding, as even stereotypes are based upon some semblance of truth). He confided to me what was already obvious. Why did he need to confide in anyone? Because he knew that his orientation – his feelings, if you will – was not normal, and it was leading him into temptations toward sin with which a child of God might deal. Was it his fault that he was raised and surrounded mostly by females during his most formative years, when his self-esteem was the lowest? The point that I am getting at is that sexual orientation is very deep in our beings, even argumentatively "natural". However, the animal kingdom decidedly argues against that thinking. Why? Because animals are hard-wired sexually (call it instinct; call it God's handiwork; it is the same), even though there are some species that are quite social. Humans are are at the top of the social ladder; so we can be taught, consciously or sub-consciously, to ignore what is "natural". Our minds have great capacity to do so. A village might not be necessary to raise a child, but a child can certainly be a product of that village's values. Professional marketers know that all too well.
        The Greek word for "practicing homosexuals" in the above scripture is "arsenokoitai", which literally means "man having sex with man". It is forbidden in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament (See 1 Timothy 1:10, where the same Greek word is used; Leviticus 18, especially verse 22.) Both New Testament references here also include the general term for sexual immorality, the Greek word "pornoi", from which we get the English word, pornography. It is a reference to any sexual act that is sinful, which is basically anything outside of marriage. (Marriage is defined by God to be a union of one man and one woman for the duration of their lifetime together- no exceptions. Jesus confirmed Genesis 2:24 in Matthew 19:1-12.) So, homosexual behavior is not singled out as being worse than other forbidden sexual behavior. It is, however, grouped together with other sexual behaviors that are practiced by non-believers.
        In the mind of the Christian, there should be no need to know someone's sexual orientation. It is irrelevant as it relates to behavior that is pleasing to God. Which leads me to my thoughts on why sexual orientation is so touted as important to the world. Since our culture has increasingly ignored God's commands, which are meant for our good (Deuteronomy 10:13), it seeks then to justify its own behavior, by flaunting itself, instead of hiding it in the darkness. Hiding it insinuates shame; flaunting it insinuates justification. John 3:19 casts some light (pun intended) on this thinking: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light, because their deeds were evil."
        The upshot is this. As a follower of Jesus, I don't need to know or care about the sexual orientation of any unbeliever. I need to present the good news to them, based upon the bad news. The good news is that God will, and wants to, forgive them, and bring them into his family, teaching them how to best live their lives, while seeking and pleasing Him. The bad news is that they are enemies of God, kicking away at God's gentle, loving prods, because they are slaves to their own sinfulness. In relation to believers, God's word is clear. We are to conform our behavior and thinking in accordance with God's ways – regardless of how we feel about it. Love toward God is not a feeling – it is an act of one's will.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 17 – What We Have Been Given

        Psalm 16:2 – "I said to Yahweh, 'You are my Master; apart from you, I have no good thing.'"

        Most of us find ourselves living our lives within the financial class in which we were born. When one is wealthy, it is a little easier to give up that corresponding lifestyle. When one is poor, it is very difficult to improve one's condition, as it takes much hard work and fortuitous circumstances.
        Today's thought has to do, however, with what we have, and more specifically, with what we have been given. I have always said that I possess things by two means – that which I have been given, and that which I have been allowed to have. I Corinthians 4:7 states, "Who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did not receive it, why do you boast as if you did not (i.e., why do you boast as if you earned it)? So, there really are two ways of possessing things – by gifts or by earning. However, God is the one who gives us the ability to earn. Deuteronomy 8:17, 18 states, "You may say to yourself, 'My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.' But remember Yahweh your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth..." The previous verse also states that it was God who faithfully gave daily manna "in order to test you, so that it might go well with you in the end." God's gifts and abilities are sometimes given to test our gratefulness to him, because everything we have ultimately is due to him.
        James 1:17 agrees with all the verses above. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, descending from the Father of the heavenly lights..." Let us remember to give thanks to God for all the things in our lives, both great and small, common and special.